

Jul 03, 2023

What Do You Need to Start Playing Dungeons and Dragons

What Do You Need to Start Playing Dungeons and Dragons?

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop role-playing game that has captured the imaginations of players for decades. It provides a unique and immersive experience, where players assume the roles of characters in a fantasy world and embark on epic quests filled with adventure and excitement. If you’re new to the world of D&D and wondering what you need to get started, this article will provide you with all the essential information.

1. The Basic Rules: The first thing you’ll need is a copy of the D&D Basic Rules. These rules are available for free online and provide the core mechanics and guidelines for playing the game. It includes information on character creation, combat, and spellcasting.

2. Player’s Handbook: While the Basic Rules are a great starting point, investing in the Player’s Handbook will enhance your gaming experience. It provides more in-depth rules, character options, and a wealth of information about the game’s world and lore.

3. Dice: D&D uses various types of polyhedral dice to determine outcomes. You’ll need at least one set of dice, including a 20-sided die (d20), 12-sided die (d12), 10-sided die (d10), percentile dice (d10 numbered from 00 to 90), eight-sided die (d8), six-sided die (d6), and four-sided die (d4). Dice sets can be easily found in gaming stores or online.

4. Character Sheet: A character sheet is where you record all the important details about your character, including their abilities, skills, and inventory. You can find printable character sheets online or use digital character sheets available in various apps or websites.

5. Pencils and Erasers: Since character sheets may require frequent updating, it’s essential to have plenty of pencils and erasers on hand. This allows you to make changes and adjustments as your character progresses through the game.

6. Miniatures or Tokens: While not mandatory, using miniatures or tokens can enhance the visual aspect of gameplay. They represent your character’s position on a grid-based battle map during combat encounters. Miniatures can be purchased or even 3D printed, but tokens can be as simple as small pieces of paper with the character’s name on them.

7. Game Master’s Guide: If you plan on running your own D&D campaigns, the Game Master’s Guide is a valuable resource. It provides guidance on world-building, creating engaging adventures, and managing the game as the Dungeon Master (DM).

8. Adventure Modules: If crafting your own adventures seems daunting, you can start with pre-written adventure modules. These modules provide a ready-to-play storyline and detailed encounters, making it easier for both new and experienced DMs to run a game.

9. Friends and Fellow Players: D&D is a social game, so finding a group of friends or fellow players is crucial. Consider reaching out to local gaming stores, online forums, or social media groups to connect with like-minded individuals interested in playing D&D.

10. Time and Dedication: Playing D&D requires time and dedication. Sessions can last for several hours, and campaigns can span multiple sessions. Make sure you have a regular schedule and commitment to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

11. Imagination and Creativity: D&D is a game that relies heavily on imagination and creativity. Players are encouraged to think outside the box, solve problems, and create memorable moments through their characters’ actions. Embrace your imagination and let it guide you through the game.

12. Patience and Open-Mindedness: D&D is a game that can be complex and may require patience, especially for new players. Be open-minded and willing to learn from more experienced players or from the Dungeon Master. Mistakes will happen, but it’s all part of the adventure.

13. Fun and a Sense of Adventure: Most importantly, bring a sense of fun and adventure to the table. D&D is about creating shared stories, forging friendships, and embarking on epic quests. Enjoy the journey and let your character’s story unfold in the vast world of Dungeons and Dragons.


1. Can I play D&D alone?No, D&D is designed as a cooperative game and requires a group of players.

2. How many players do I need to play D&D?A typical D&D group consists of a Dungeon Master and three to six players, but you can play with as few as two players or as many as you can comfortably accommodate.

3. Do I need to be good at math to play D&D?Basic arithmetic is required, but the game provides simple mechanics and tools to assist with calculations.

4. Can I join an existing group as a new player?Absolutely! Many groups welcome new players, and it’s a great way to learn the game from experienced players.

5. How long does a D&D session last?Sessions can vary in length, but they typically last between 3 to 5 hours.

6. Can I play D&D online?Yes, there are various online platforms, such as Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds, that allow players to connect and play remotely.

7. Can I create my own world for D&D?Yes, the game encourages players to create their own worlds or modify existing ones. The possibilities are endless.

8. Can I play as any character I want?Yes, D&D allows players to create characters of various races, classes, and backgrounds, allowing for diverse experiences.

9. Is D&D only for fantasy settings?While D&D is primarily set in a fantasy world, the game’s mechanics can be adapted for other genres, such as science fiction or modern settings.

10. Can I play D&D if I’m not a fan of combat?Absolutely! D&D offers various ways to engage with the game, including exploration, role-playing, and problem-solving, without a heavy focus on combat.

11. Is there an age limit to play D&D?D&D is suitable for players of all ages. Many groups have family-friendly sessions, and there are even simplified versions of the game for younger players.

12. How much does D&D cost?The basic rules are available for free, but investing in core rulebooks and additional resources can range from $20 to $50 each.

13. Can I play D&D without any prior experience?Yes, D&D is designed for new players as well. The Basic Rules provide a beginner-friendly introduction, and experienced players are often happy to teach newcomers.

In conclusion, starting your journey in Dungeons and Dragons requires a few key components, including the basic rules, player’s handbook, dice, character sheets, and the company of friends or fellow players. With the right mindset, imagination, and a sense of adventure, you’ll be ready to embark on epic quests and create unforgettable memories in the world of D&D.