

Jun 01, 2023

St. Catharines Forging Ahead With Tree Planting

Friday, 11 August 2023 09:48

By Geoff Waterfield

City council has asked staff to review plan to plant 100,000 trees over 10 years

St. Catharines city council is continuing to look over a plan to plant 100,000 trees over a 10 year period.

It's asking city staff to go over more information.

Councillor Kevin Townsend wants more reliability on the federal government's promise to plant 2-billion trees by 2030, but he also wants area school boards, as well as post-secondary involved.

He feels city staff can come up with more ideas than what was in a recent report. "It seems to suggest that it's not possible for the city to do this, whereas I believe it is.... where there's a will, there's a way. Especially when you get the Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students involved in the tree planting programs."

Municipal works director Darrell Smith acknowledged this plan is for the largest number when compared to other cities.

He adds every city has the same problem... where to plant. "We estimate for the 10,000 trees a year, we're going to have to find 10 acres of grass that we're willing to convert back for trees."

Councillor Greg Miller says it should be 2,400 trees per year, whereas 10,000 is a bit too much to attain to.